A-29. Unemployed persons by marital status,
race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, age, and sex
Marital status, race, Hispanic Thousands of Unemployment
or Latino ethnicity, and age persons rates
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over 3,816 3,479 4.8 4.3
Married, spouse present 1,188 1,051 2.5 2.2
Widowed, divorced, or separated 511 535 5.1 5.1
Never married 2,117 1,893 9.1 7.9
White, 16 years and over 2,665 2,489 4.0 3.7
Married, spouse present 920 807 2.3 2.0
Widowed, divorced, or separated 335 398 4.0 4.6
Never married 1,410 1,283 7.7 6.7
Black or African American,
16 years and over 896 730 11.1 8.9
Married, spouse present 172 169 4.9 4.8
Widowed, divorced, or separated 146 101 11.9 7.3
Never married 578 459 17.5 13.7
Asian, 16 years and over 127 115 3.6 3.2
Married, spouse present 67 47 3.0 2.0
Widowed, divorced, or separated 12 15 3.3 4.6
Never married 48 53 4.9 5.7
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity,
16 years and over 664 569 5.4 4.5
Married, spouse present 227 218 3.4 3.3
Widowed, divorced, or separated 38 73 2.5 4.1
Never married 399 279 9.8 6.5
Total, 25 years and over 2,466 2,248 3.6 3.2
Married, spouse present 1,143 992 2.5 2.2
Widowed, divorced, or separated 508 505 5.1 4.9
Never married 815 750 6.2 5.4
White, 25 years and over 1,745 1,644 3.0 2.8
Married, spouse present 882 769 2.3 2.0
Widowed, divorced, or separated 333 369 4.1 4.4
Never married 530 506 5.2 4.8
Black or African American,
25 years and over 543 455 8.1 6.6
Married, spouse present 165 157 4.8 4.5
Widowed, divorced, or separated 146 101 12.2 7.6
Never married 232 197 11.3 9.6
Asian, 25 years and over 106 80 3.3 2.4
Married, spouse present 67 42 3.0 1.8
Widowed, divorced, or separated 12 15 3.3 4.6
Never married 27 23 4.2 3.5
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity,
25 years and over 394 373 3.9 3.6
Married, spouse present 213 202 3.3 3.2
Widowed, divorced, or separated 37 64 2.6 3.8
Never married 144 108 6.6 4.4
Marital status, race, Hispanic Thousands of Unemployment
or Latino ethnicity, and age persons rates
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over 3,455 3,097 4.9 4.4
Married, spouse present 1,169 962 3.2 2.6
Widowed, divorced, or separated 756 731 5.3 5.0
Never married 1,531 1,403 8.0 7.2
White, 16 years and over 2,294 2,152 4.1 3.8
Married, spouse present 903 755 2.9 2.4
Widowed, divorced, or separated 514 547 4.6 4.8
Never married 876 850 6.4 6.0
Black or African American,
16 years and over 906 739 9.9 8.0
Married, spouse present 179 118 6.3 4.2
Widowed, divorced, or separated 202 135 8.8 5.6
Never married 524 486 13.2 12.0
Asian, 16 years and over 112 99 3.7 3.1
Married, spouse present 52 60 2.8 3.0
Widowed, divorced, or separated 13 18 3.0 3.9
Never married 48 22 6.0 2.8
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity,
16 years and over 559 473 6.9 5.7
Married, spouse present 250 185 6.3 4.7
Widowed, divorced, or separated 93 115 5.5 6.4
Never married 216 173 9.0 6.6
Total, 25 years and over 2,437 2,086 4.1 3.5
Married, spouse present 1,076 883 3.1 2.5
Widowed, divorced, or separated 716 696 5.2 4.9
Never married 645 507 6.3 4.8
White, 25 years and over 1,655 1,471 3.5 3.0
Married, spouse present 833 695 2.8 2.3
Widowed, divorced, or separated 489 516 4.5 4.7
Never married 333 259 4.9 3.7
Black or African American,
25 years and over 614 470 8.0 6.1
Married, spouse present 167 109 6.0 4.0
Widowed, divorced, or separated 190 135 8.4 5.7
Never married 257 227 9.7 8.5
Asian, 25 years and over 93 74 3.4 2.6
Married, spouse present 49 52 2.7 2.7
Widowed, divorced, or separated 13 15 3.1 3.3
Never married 31 6 6.3 1.3
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity,
25 years and over 408 324 6.3 4.8
Married, spouse present 214 162 5.9 4.4
Widowed, divorced, or separated 87 108 5.4 6.2
Never married 108 54 8.6 3.9
NOTE: Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African
American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not
presented for all races. In addition, persons whose ethnicity is
identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race and, therefore,
are classified by ethnicity as well as by race. Beginning in January
2006, data reflect revised population controls used in the household
A-30. Unemployed persons by occupation and sex
Thousands of Unemployment
persons rates
Occupation Total Total
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over (1) 7,271 6,576 4.8 4.3
Management, professional,
and related occupations 1,067 919 2.1 1.7
Management, business, and financial
operations occupations 453 373 2.1 1.7
Management occupations 338 252 2.2 1.6
Business and financial
operations occupations 115 121 2.0 1.9
Professional and related occupations 614 546 2.1 1.8
Computer and mathematical
occupations 65 81 2.0 2.4
Architecture and engineering
occupations 65 52 2.2 1.8
Life, physical, and social
science occupations 31 24 2.2 1.7
Community and social
services occupations 67 35 3.1 1.7
Legal occupations 18 10 1.1 6.0
Education, training, and
library occupations 191 137 2.2 1.6
Arts, design, entertainment,
sports, and media occupations 118 100 4.1 3.5
Healthcare practitioner and
technical occupations 61 105 .9 1.5
Service occupations 1,667 1,477 6.7 5.9
Healthcare support occupations 180 143 5.3 4.5
Protective service occupations 135 106 4.6 3.5
Food preparation and serving
related occupations 613 578 7.6 7.2
Building and grounds cleaning
and maintenance occupations 426 421 7.5 7.3
Personal care and service
occupations 314 230 6.6 4.6
Sales and office occupations 1,720 1,617 4.5 4.2
Sales and related occupations 815 763 4.7 4.3
Office and administrative
support occupations 905 854 4.4 4.2
Natural resources, construction,
and maintenance occupations 939 926 5.7 5.5
Farming, fishing, and forestry
occupations 124 138 11.5 13.4
Construction and extraction
occupations 613 619 6.1 6.0
Installation, maintenance,
and repair occupations 203 168 3.7 3.0
Production, transportation, and
material moving occupations 1,202 1,059 6.3 5.5
Production occupations 683 521 6.8 5.4
Transportation and material
moving occupations 519 538 5.7 5.6
No previous work experience 630 547 -- --
16 to 19 years 451 364 -- --
20 to 24 years 90 83 -- --
25 years and over 89 100 -- --
Occupation Men Women
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over (1) 4.8 4.3 4.9 4.4
Management, professional,
and related occupations 2.0 1.8 2.1 1.7
Management, business, and financial
operations occupations 2.1 1.6 2.2 1.7
Management occupations 2.0 1.5 2.4 1.7
Business and financial
operations occupations 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.8
Professional and related occupations 2.0 1.9 2.1 1.7
Computer and mathematical
occupations 1.6 2.9 3.1 1.3
Architecture and engineering
occupations 2.1 1.7 2.8 2.7
Life, physical, and social
science occupations 2.3 9.0 2.1 2.5
Community and social
services occupations 2.8 1.2 3.2 2.0
Legal occupations .6 4.0 1.6 7.0
Education, training, and
library occupations 2.4 2.3 2.2 1.3
Arts, design, entertainment,
sports, and media occupations 4.0 3.8 4.1 3.3
Healthcare practitioner and
technical occupations .4 .5 1.1 1.8
Service occupations 6.4 6.1 7.0 5.8
Healthcare support occupations 3.1 3.9 5.6 4.5
Protective service occupations 3.9 3.2 7.2 4.4
Food preparation and serving
related occupations 7.9 7.5 7.4 6.9
Building and grounds cleaning
and maintenance occupations 6.8 7.2 8.5 7.5
Personal care and service
occupations 6.4 4.4 6.6 4.7
Sales and office occupations 4.3 3.6 4.7 4.6
Sales and related occupations 4.2 3.1 5.2 5.4
Office and administrative
support occupations 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.1
Natural resources, construction,
and maintenance occupations 5.5 5.3 9.4 8.4
Farming, fishing, and forestry
occupations 10.9 12.7 13.6 16.0
Construction and extraction
occupations 5.9 6.0 10.3 7.2
Installation, maintenance,
and repair occupations 3.8 2.9 3.3 4.1
Production, transportation, and
material moving occupations 5.5 5.0 8.7 7.2
Production occupations 6.0 4.7 8.6 7.0
Transportation and material
moving occupations 5.1 5.3 9.1 7.5
No previous work experience -- -- -- --
16 to 19 years -- -- -- --
20 to 24 years -- -- -- --
25 years and over -- -- -- --
(1) Includes a small number of persons
whose last job was in the Armed Forces.
NOTE: Beginning in January 2006, data reflect revised
population controls used in the household survey. Dash
indicates no data or data that do not meet publication
A-31. Unemployed persons by industry, class of worker, and sex
Thousands Unemployment
of persons rates
Industry and class of worker Total Total
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over 7,271 6,576 4.8 4.3
Nonagricultural private wage
and salary workers 5,711 5,246 4.9 4.4
Mining 18 22 2.9 2.9
Construction 564 618 5.7 6.0
Manufacturing 823 702 4.9 4.3
Durable goods 493 426 4.6 4.2
Nonmetallic mineral products 15 23 2.8 4.8
Primary and fabricated
metal products 101 92 5.2 4.7
Machinery manufacturing 69 23 5.3 1.9
Computer and electronic
products 50 58 3.2 4.1
Electrical equipment
and appliances 27 28 4.8 4.8
Transportation equipment 87 84 3.6 3.6
Wood products 46 15 8.5 3.3
Furniture and fixtures 31 37 5.3 5.4
Miscellaneous manufacturing 67 66 5.4 5.5
Nondurable goods 330 276 5.5 4.6
Food manufacturing 105 91 6.4 5.7
Beverage and tobacco products 13 9 4.6 3.4
Textile, apparel, and leather 45 39 5.8 5.5
Paper and printing 68 48 5.8 4.2
Petroleum and coal products 6 7 3.2 5.3
Chemicals 51 36 4.1 2.6
Plastics and rubber products 42 46 6.4 6.1
Wholesale and retail trade 1,013 1,018 4.7 4.8
Wholesale trade 141 133 3.0 2.9
Retail trade 872 885 5.2 5.3
Transportation and utilities 199 183 3.5 3.1
Transportation and warehousing 179 183 3.7 3.7
Utilities 20 -- 2.3 --
Information (2) 172 137 5.1 3.9
Publishing, except Internet 27 27 3.2 2.8
Motion picture and sound
recording industries 22 24 6.6 6.2
Broadcasting, except Internet 25 22 4.3 3.7
Telecommunications 81 54 6.4 4.3
Internet service providers and
data processing services 11 3 5.4 1.3
Other information services 6 4 5.4 3.7
Financial activities 268 229 2.8 2.3
Finance and insurance 175 139 2.6 2.0
Finance 127 99 2.8 2.1
Insurance 48 39 2.2 1.7
Real estate and rental
and leasing 94 91 3.4 3.3
Real estate 67 78 2.8 3.4
Rental and leasing services 26 13 6.4 2.5
Professional and business services 711 658 5.5 4.9
Professional and technical
services 198 168 2.6 2.2
Management, administrative,
and waste services (2) 514 490 9.8 8.6
Administrative and support
services 499 470 10.3 9.1
Waste management and
remediation services 12 20 3.7 6.0
Education and health services 677 536 3.6 2.8
Educational services 116 107 3.0 2.7
Health care and social assistance 561 429 3.8 2.8
Hospitals 97 85 1.9 1.7
Health services,
except hospitals 308 259 4.0 3.2
Social assistance 155 85 7.5 3.9
Leisure and hospitality 966 836 8.1 7.1
Arts, entertainment,
and recreation 150 148 7.5 7.2
Accommodation and food services 816 688 8.2 7.0
Accommodation 149 98 9.1 6.7
Food services and
drinking places 667 590 8.1 7.1
Other services 300 306 4.9 5.0
Other services, except
private households 206 232 3.9 4.4
Repair and maintenance 99 114 5.6 6.4
Personal and laundry services 55 57 3.5 3.5
Membership associations and
organizations 53 61 2.7 3.3
Private households 93 74 11.0 9.2
Agricultural and related private
wage and salary workers 118 125 9.6 9.6
Government workers 494 400 2.4 1.9
Self-employed and unpaid
family workers 319 257 3.0 2.3
No previous work experience 630 547 -- --
Industry and class of worker Men Women
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov
2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over 4.8 4.3 4.9 4.4
Nonagricultural private wage
and salary workers 4.7 4.3 5.2 4.6
Mining 2.9 2.8 2.6 3.9
Construction 5.8 6.2 4.8 4.7
Manufacturing 4.2 3.7 6.6 5.7
Durable goods 4.1 3.5 6.1 5.9
Nonmetallic mineral products 2.1 4.5 5.3 6.0
Primary and fabricated
metal products 4.3 4.7 9.3 5.0
Machinery manufacturing 5.4 1.0 5.0 5.5
Computer and electronic
products 2.1 3.2 5.1 5.8
Electrical equipment
and appliances 4.6 3.4 5.3 8.0
Transportation equipment 3.4 3.3 4.3 4.7
Wood products 7.9 4.1 11.6 .6
Furniture and fixtures 3.5 4.9 10.6 6.9
Miscellaneous manufacturing 5.1 3.6 5.8 8.0
Nondurable goods 4.5 4.1 7.4 5.5
Food manufacturing 4.8 5.8 (1) 5.5
Beverage and tobacco products 3.8 3.4 7.4 (1)
Textile, apparel, and leather 2.6 6.8 8.3 4.6
Paper and printing 5.6 3.2 6.1 6.3
Petroleum and coal products 2.0 3.5 (1) (1)
Chemicals 3.0 1.7 6.2 4.4
Plastics and rubber products 6.8 5.3 5.4 8.3
Wholesale and retail trade 4.4 4.0 5.2 5.7
Wholesale trade 3.0 2.4 3.2 4.1
Retail trade 4.9 4.6 5.5 6.0
Transportation and utilities 3.3 3.0 4.2 3.5
Transportation and warehousing 3.4 3.5 4.6 4.2
Utilities 2.4 1.0 2.1 --
Information (2) 5.2 4.3 5.1 3.3
Publishing, except Internet 1.8 3.0 4.7 2.5
Motion picture and sound
recording industries 6.9 6.6 6.2 5.2
Broadcasting, except Internet 4.4 6.0 4.0 9.0
Telecommunications 6.2 3.8 6.7 5.2
Internet service providers and
data processing services 7.6 1.0 3.2 1.9
Other information services 12.9 (1) -- --
Financial activities 2.4 2.0 3.1 2.6
Finance and insurance 1.7 2.0 3.1 1.9
Finance 1.6 1.8 3.6 2.3
Insurance 2.0 2.6 2.3 1.2
Real estate and rental
and leasing 3.6 1.9 3.1 4.7
Real estate 3.7 1.7 2.1 5.0
Rental and leasing services 3.3 2.6 12.1 2.4
Professional and business services 5.3 4.7 5.8 5.1
Professional and technical
services 2.0 2.0 3.3 2.4
Management, administrative,
and waste services (2) 9.8 8.2 9.8 9.1
Administrative and support
services 10.5 8.7 10.1 9.6
Waste management and
remediation services 3.5 5.7 (1) (1)
Education and health services 2.9 2.2 3.8 3.0
Educational services 2.7 3.7 3.1 2.2
Health care and social assistance 3.0 1.5 3.9 3.1
Hospitals 2.9 4.0 1.7 2.0
Health services,
except hospitals 2.0 2.1 4.5 3.5
Social assistance 8.7 2.5 7.2 4.1
Leisure and hospitality 7.3 6.9 9.0 7.2
Arts, entertainment,
and recreation 8.4 6.5 6.3 8.0
Accommodation and food services 7.0 7.0 9.4 7.1
Accommodation 7.8 4.7 10.1 8.1
Food services and
drinking places 6.8 7.3 9.2 6.9
Other services 5.4 5.0 4.4 5.1
Other services, except
private households 4.8 4.7 2.9 4.1
Repair and maintenance 6.1 6.1 2.3 8.8
Personal and laundry services 4.8 3.8 3.0 3.4
Membership associations and
organizations 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.9
Private households (1) (1) 9.3 8.4
Agricultural and related private
wage and salary workers 8.9 8.6 12.0 13.2
Government workers 2.5 2.1 2.3 1.7
Self-employed and unpaid
family workers 3.2 2.5 2.6 2.0
No previous work experience -- -- -- --
(1) Data not shown where base is less than 75,000.
(2) Includes other industries, not shown separately.
NOTE: Beginning in January 2006, data reflect revised population
controls used in the household survey. Dash indicates no data or
data that do not meet publication criteria.
A-32. Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment, sex, and age
(Numbers in thousands)
Total, Men,
16 years 20 years
and over and over
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Reason 2005 2006 2005 2006
Total unemployed 7,271 6,576 3,163 2,914
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 3,329 3,025 1,866 1,707
On temporary layoff 744 808 428 459
Not on temporary layoff 2,585 2,217 1,439 1,248
Permanent job losers 1,894 1,530 1,035 834
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 691 686 403 414
Job leavers 889 772 406 388
Reentrants 2,423 2,232 797 751
New entrants 630 547 93 68
Total unemployed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 45.8 46.0 59.0 58.6
On temporary layoff 10.2 12.3 13.5 15.8
Not on temporary layoff 35.6 33.7 45.5 42.8
Job leavers 12.2 11.7 12.9 13.3
Reentrants 33.3 33.9 25.2 25.8
New entrants 8.7 8.3 2.9 2.3
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.2
Job leavers .6 .5 .5 .5
Reentrants 1.6 1.5 1.0 1.0
New entrants .4 .4 .1 .1
Women, Both sexes,
20 years 16 to 19
and over years
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Reason 2005 2006 2005 2006
Total unemployed 2,938 2,630 1,170 1,031
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 1,303 1,168 160 150
On temporary layoff 254 294 62 56
Not on temporary layoff 1,049 874 98 95
Permanent job losers 791 630 67 66
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 258 244 30 28
Job leavers 402 317 80 67
Reentrants 1,147 1,031 479 450
New entrants 86 115 451 364
Total unemployed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 44.3 44.4 13.7 14.6
On temporary layoff 8.6 11.2 5.3 5.4
Not on temporary layoff 35.7 33.2 8.3 9.2
Job leavers 13.7 12.0 6.9 6.5
Reentrants 39.0 39.2 41.0 43.6
New entrants 2.9 4.4 38.5 35.3
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 2.0 1.7 2.3 2.1
Job leavers .6 .5 1.2 1.0
Reentrants 1.7 1.5 6.9 6.4
New entrants .1 .2 6.5 5.2
NOTE: Beginning in January 2006, data reflect revised
population controls used in the household survey.
A-33. Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment, race,
and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
(Numbers in thousands)
White Black or
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Reason 2005 2006 2005 2006
Total unemployed 4,959 4,640 1,802 1,469
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 2,326 2,210 784 639
On temporary layoff 604 670 110 103
Not on temporary layoff 1,722 1,541 674 535
Permanent job losers 1,293 1,138 488 301
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 428 403 186 234
Job leavers 670 604 149 109
Reentrants 1,611 1,458 647 589
New entrants 352 368 222 132
Total unemployed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 46.9 47.6 43.5 43.5
On temporary layoff 12.2 14.4 6.1 7.0
Not on temporary layoff 34.7 33.2 37.4 36.5
Job leavers 13.5 13.0 8.3 7.4
Reentrants 32.5 31.4 35.9 40.1
New entrants 7.1 7.9 12.3 9.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 1.9 1.8 4.6 3.7
Job leavers .5 .5 .9 .6
Reentrants 1.3 1.2 3.8 3.4
New entrants .3 .3 .3 1.3
Asian Hispanic
or Latino
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Reason 2005 2006 2005 2006
Total unemployed 239 214 1,222 1,042
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 121 76 565 537
On temporary layoff 13 7 150 192
Not on temporary layoff 108 69 416 345
Permanent job losers 58 52 284 219
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 50 17 132 126
Job leavers 17 17 149 90
Reentrants 73 90 362 292
New entrants 28 32 146 123
Total unemployed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 50.5 35.3 46.2 51.5
On temporary layoff 5.4 3.3 12.2 18.4
Not on temporary layoff 45.1 32.0 34.0 33.1
Job leavers 7.2 7.9 12.2 8.7
Reentrants 30.6 42.0 29.6 28.0
New entrants 11.7 14.8 12.0 11.8
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary jobs 1.8 1.1 2.8 2.6
Job leavers .3 .2 .7 .4
Reentrants 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.4
New entrants .4 .5 .7 .6
NOTE: Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African
American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not
presented for all races. In addition, persons whose ethnicity is
identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race and, therefore,
are classified by ethnicity as well as by race. Beginning in
January 2006, data reflect revised population controls used in the
household survey.
A-34. Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment, sex, age,
and duration of unemployment
(Percent distribution)
November 2006
Total unemployed Duration of
Reason, sex, and age Thousands Percent Less than 5 to 14
of 5 weeks weeks
Total, 16 years and over 6,576 100.0 35.3 33.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 3,025 100.0 38.5 31.4
On temporary layoff 808 100.0 62.0 29.3
Not on temporary layoff 2,217 100.0 29.9 32.2
Permanent job losers 1,530 100.0 27.8 31.9
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 686 100.0 34.7 32.6
Job leavers 772 100.0 36.2 39.9
Reentrants 2,232 100.0 31.9 33.3
New entrants 547 100.0 30.5 31.2
Men, 20 years and over 2,914 100.0 34.9 32.5
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 1,707 100.0 40.0 31.2
On temporary layoff 459 100.0 64.6 26.5
Not on temporary layoff 1,248 100.0 31.0 32.9
Permanent job losers 834 100.0 27.9 35.3
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 414 100.0 37.1 28.1
Job leavers 388 100.0 34.9 41.6
Reentrants 751 100.0 24.2 32.4
New entrants 68 100.0 (1) (1)
Women, 20 years and over 2,630 100.0 33.2 32.5
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 1,168 100.0 33.8 31.4
On temporary layoff 294 100.0 55.4 34.4
Not on temporary layoff 874 100.0 26.5 30.4
Permanent job losers 630 100.0 25.5 26.9
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 244 100.0 29.2 39.3
Job leavers 317 100.0 36.9 36.3
Reentrants 1,031 100.0 32.0 33.0
New entrants 115 100.0 26.9 30.2
Both sexes, 16 to
19 years 1,031 100.0 42.0 35.7
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 150 100.0 57.6 33.6
On temporary layoff 56 100.0 (1) (1)
Not on temporary layoff 95 100.0 47.6 38.5
Permanent lob losers 66 100.0 (1) (1)
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 28 100.0 (1) (1)
Job leavers 67 100.0 (1) (1)
Reentrants 450 100.0 44.7 35.4
New entrants 364 100.0 32.6 34.6
November 2006
Duration of unemployment
15 weeks and over
Reason, sex, and age Total 15 to 26 27 weeks
weeks and over
Total, 16 years and over 31.7 14.7 17.0
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 30.1 14.6 15.6
On temporary layoff 8.7 5.1 3.7
Not on temporary layoff 37.9 18.0 19.9
Permanent job losers 40.3 19.0 21.3
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 32.6 16.0 16.7
Job leavers 23.8 10.3 13.5
Reentrants 34.8 15.2 19.6
New entrants 38.3 19.4 18.9
Men, 20 years and over 32.6 14.2 18.4
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 28.8 12.3 16.5
On temporary layoff 8.9 4.2 4.7
Not on temporary layoff 36.1 15.3 20.8
Permanent job losers 36.8 15.1 21.7
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 34.8 15.8 19.0
Job leavers 23.5 11.1 12.3
Reentrants 43.4 18.7 24.6
New entrants (1) (1) (1)
Women, 20 years and over 34.3 15.9 18.4
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 34.8 19.1 15.7
On temporary layoff 10.1 7.4 2.7
Not on temporary layoff 43.1 23.1 20.0
Permanent job losers 47.6 25.0 22.6
Persons who completed
temporary jobs 31.5 18.1 13.4
Job leavers 26.8 8.8 17.9
Reentrants 35.1 13.9 21.2
New entrants 42.9 21.7 21.2
Both sexes, 16 to
19 years 22.3 12.8 9.5
Job losers and persons who
completed temporary
jobs 8.6 4.8 3.9
On temporary layoff (1) (1) (1)
Not on temporary layoff 13.9 7.6 6.3
Permanent lob losers (1) (1) (1)
Persons who completed
temporary jobs (1) (1) (1)
Job leavers (1) (1) (1)
Reentrants 19.9 12.3 7.6
New entrants 32.8 16.8 15.9
(1) Data not shown where base is less than 75,000.
NOTE: Beginning in January 2006, data reflect revised population
controls used in the household survey.
A-35. Unemployed total and full-time workers by duration
of unemployment
Thousands Percent
of persons distribution
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Duration of unemployment 2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over 7,271 6,576 100.0 100.0
Less than 5 weeks 2,617 2,323 36.0 35.3
5 to 14 weeks 2,263 2,171 31.1 33.0
5 to 10 weeks 1,569 1,577 21.6 24.0
11 to 14 weeks 694 594 9.6 9.0
15 weeks and over 2,391 2,082 32.9 31.7
15 to 26 weeks 1,041 965 14.3 14.7
27 weeks and over 1,350 1,116 18.6 17.0
27 to 51 weeks 525 475 7.2 7.2
52 weeks and over 825 642 11.4 9.8
Average (mean) duration, in weeks 17.8 16.6 -- --
Median duration, in weeks 8.5 8.2 -- --
Full-time workers
Thousands Percent
of persons distribution
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Duration of unemployment 2005 2006 2005 2006
Total, 16 years and over 5,720 5,208 100.0 100.0
Less than 5 weeks 1,844 1,724 32.2 33.1
5 to 14 weeks 1,786 1,676 31.2 32.2
5 to 10 weeks 1,236 1,187 21.6 22.8
11 to 14 weeks 550 489 9.6 9.4
15 weeks and over 2,091 1,809 36.5 34.7
15 to 26 weeks 899 833 15.7 16.0
27 weeks and over 1,192 975 20.8 18.7
27 to 51 weeks 476 436 8.3 8.4
52 weeks and over 716 539 12.5 10.4
Average (mean) duration, in weeks 19.3 17.7 -- --
Median duration, in weeks 9.5 9.0 -- --
NOTE: Beginning in January 2006, data reflect revised population
controls used in the household survey. Dash indicates no data or
data that do not meet publication criteria.
A-36. Unemployed persons by age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino
ethnicity, marital status, and duration of unemployment
November 2006
Thousands of persons unemployed
Sex, age, race, Hispanic Total Less 5 to 14
or Latino ethnicity, and than weeks
marital status 5 weeks
Total, 16 years and over 6,576 2,323 2,171
16 to 19 years 1,031 434 368
20 to 24 years 1,211 455 447
25 to 34 years 1,397 482 466
35 to 44 years 1,233 440 383
45 to 54 years 952 264 313
55 to 64 years 564 189 148
65 years and over 187 60 47
Men, 16 years and over 3,479 1,245 1,149
16 to 19 years 565 228 201
20 to 24 years 667 237 267
25 to 34 years 766 274 232
35 to 44 years 643 234 207
45 to 54 years 448 136 147
55 to 64 years 295 100 76
65 years and over 95 37 19
Women, 16 years and over 3,097 1,078 1,022
16 to 19 years 467 206 166
20 to 24 years 544 218 180
25 to 34 years 631 208 234
35 to 44 years 590 206 176
45 to 54 years 504 129 166
55 to 64 years 269 89 72
65 years and over 92 23 28
White, 16 years and over 4,640 1,756 1,556
Men 2,489 954 835
Women 2,152 802 721
Black or African American, 1,469 425 444
16 years and over
Men 730 221 206
Women 739 204 238
Asian, 16 years and over 214 45 82
Men 115 17 53
Women 99 28 29
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 1,042 470 350
16 years and over
Men 569 268 188
Women 473 202 162
Men, 16 years and over:
Married, spouse present 1,051 381 307
Widowed, divorced, or separated 535 214 184
Never married 1,893 650 657
Women, 16 years and over:
Married, spouse present 962 374 312
Widowed, divorced, or separated 731 210 232
Never married 1,403 493 478
November 2006
Thousands of persons unemployed
15 weeks and over
Sex, age, race, Hispanic Total 15 to 26 27 weeks
or Latino ethnicity, and weeks and over
marital status
Total, 16 years and over 2,082 965 1,116
16 to 19 years 230 132 98
20 to 24 years 310 147 162
25 to 34 years 449 243 206
35 to 44 years 409 195 214
45 to 54 years 375 152 224
55 to 64 years 228 65 163
65 years and over 81 31 50
Men, 16 years and over 1,085 489 597
16 to 19 years 135 75 61
20 to 24 years 163 83 80
25 to 34 years 260 130 129
35 to 44 years 202 96 107
45 to 54 years 166 64 102
55 to 64 years 120 31 89
65 years and over 39 10 28
Women, 16 years and over 997 477 520
16 to 19 years 95 57 37
20 to 24 years 147 65 82
25 to 34 years 189 113 77
35 to 44 years 207 99 108
45 to 54 years 209 88 121
55 to 64 years 108 34 74
65 years and over 42 21 21
White, 16 years and over 1,329 585 744
Men 700 301 399
Women 629 284 345
Black or African American, 600 312 288
16 years and over
Men 302 152 150
Women 298 160 138
Asian, 16 years and over 88 40 48
Men 45 21 24
Women 43 19 24
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 222 105 117
16 years and over
Men 113 60 53
Women 109 45 64
Men, 16 years and over:
Married, spouse present 363 153 210
Widowed, divorced, or separated 136 48 88
Never married 586 288 298
Women, 16 years and over:
Married, spouse present 276 132 145
Widowed, divorced, or separated 289 113 175
Never married 432 232 200
November 2006
Weeks of unemployment
Sex, age, race, Hispanic Average Median
or Latino ethnicity, and (mean) duration
marital status duration
Total, 16 years and over 16.6 8.2
16 to 19 years 11.1 6.2
20 to 24 years 14.9 7.5
25 to 34 years 14.8 8.5
35 to 44 years 17.1 8.5
45 to 54 years 21.3 10.3
55 to 64 years 22.5 9.2
65 years and over 25.1 11.3
Men, 16 years and over 16.8 7.9
16 to 19 years 12.0 6.2
20 to 24 years 15.4 7.7
25 to 34 years 15.3 8.0
35 to 44 years 17.6 7.5
45 to 54 years 20.0 9.5
55 to 64 years 23.3 9.0
65 years and over 24.8 10.0
Women, 16 years and over 16.4 8.6
16 to 19 years 10.0 6.2
20 to 24 years 14.3 7.2
25 to 34 years 14.3 8.9
35 to 44 years 16.5 9.1
45 to 54 years 22.5 11.4
55 to 64 years 21.6 9.4
65 years and over 25.5 12.5
White, 16 years and over 15.6 7.4
Men 15.7 7.0
Women 15.4 7.8
Black or African American, 19.5 11.1
16 years and over
Men 19.9 10.9
Women 19.2 11.3
Asian, 16 years and over 19.4 11.3
Men 18.2 11.5
Women 20.8 10.5
Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, 12.4 6.1
16 years and over
Men 11.9 5.2
Women 12.9 7.3
Men, 16 years and over:
Married, spouse present 18.9 8.1
Widowed, divorced, or separated 15.0 6.5
Never married 16.1 8.2
Women, 16 years and over:
Married, spouse present 14.9 7.8
Widowed, divorced, or separated 20.4 10.3
Never married 15.3 8.2
NOTE: Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African
American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not
presented for all races. In addition, persons whose ethnicity is
identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race and, therefore,
are classified by ethnicity as well as by race. Beginning in
January 2006, data reflect revised population controls used in the
household survey.
A-37. Unemployed persons by occupation, industry, and duration
of unemployment
November 2006
Thousands of persons unemployed
Total Less 5 to 14
than weeks
Occupation industry 5 weeks
Management, professional, and
related occupations 919 296 289
Management, business, and
financial operations
occupations 373 98 111
Professional and related
occupations 546 197 179
Service occupations 1,477 525 513
Sales and office occupations 1,617 562 529
Sales and related occupations 763 287 257
Office and administrative
support occupations 854 275 272
Natural resources, construction,
and maintenance occupations 926 393 295
Farming, fishing, and forestry
occupations 138 45 47
Construction and extraction
occupations 619 309 187
Installation, maintenance, and
repair occupations 168 38 61
Production, transportation, and
material moving occupations 1,059 376 353
Production occupations 521 182 177
Transportation and material
moving occupations 538 194 176
Agriculture and related industries 127 46 47
Mining 22 11 7
Construction 633 322 190
Manufacturing 709 246 241
Durable goods 432 149 149
Nondurable goods 277 97 92
Wholesale and retail trade 1,021 377 343
Transportation and utilities 201 57 67
Information 144 43 39
Financial activities 235 80 72
Professional and business services 679 202 226
Education and health services 720 239 228
Leisure and hospitality 862 325 278
Other services 309 91 126
Public administration 79 26 21
No previous work experience 547 167 171
November 2006
Thousands of persons unemployed
15 weeks and over
Total 15 to 26 27 weeks
Occupation industry weeks and over
Management, professional, and
related occupations 334 156 178
Management, business, and
financial operations
occupations 164 71 94
Professional and related
occupations 169 85 84
Service occupations 439 199 240
Sales and office occupations 526 213 312
Sales and related occupations 219 107 112
Office and administrative
support occupations 307 106 200
Natural resources, construction,
and maintenance occupations 238 102 136
Farming, fishing, and forestry
occupations 46 24 22
Construction and extraction
occupations 123 46 77
Installation, maintenance, and
repair occupations 69 32 37
Production, transportation, and
material moving occupations 329 189 141
Production occupations 161 87 75
Transportation and material
moving occupations 168 102 66
Agriculture and related industries 34 23 11
Mining 4 3 1
Construction 121 42 79
Manufacturing 222 118 105
Durable goods 134 79 55
Nondurable goods 88 39 49
Wholesale and retail trade 301 149 153
Transportation and utilities 77 43 34
Information 61 28 33
Financial activities 83 25 57
Professional and business services 251 114 137
Education and health services 252 123 129
Leisure and hospitality 260 107 153
Other services 92 53 39
Public administration 31 12 20
No previous work experience 210 106 104
November 2006
Weeks of
(mean) Median
Occupation industry duration duration
Management, professional, and
related occupations 18.8 10.2
Management, business, and
financial operations
occupations 23.1 12.5
Professional and related
occupations 15.8 8.8
Service occupations 15.6 8.3
Sales and office occupations 17.2 8.0
Sales and related occupations 15.3 6.8
Office and administrative
support occupations 18.8 8.9
Natural resources, construction,
and maintenance occupations 14.5 6.0
Farming, fishing, and forestry
occupations 14.6 6.0
Construction and extraction
occupations 12.8 4.5
Installation, maintenance, and
repair occupations 21.0 11.5
Production, transportation, and
material moving occupations 15.9 8.2
Production occupations 16.6 8.7
Transportation and material
moving occupations 15.2 7.8
Agriculture and related industries 12.3 5.5
Mining (2) (2)
Construction 12.1 4.4
Manufacturing 15.1 8.4
Durable goods 13.7 8.3
Nondurable goods 17.5 8.5
Wholesale and retail trade 15.1 7.4
Transportation and utilities 17.2 10.0
Information 21.5 11.4
Financial activities 20.7 9.2
Professional and business services 18.8 9.3
Education and health services 18.4 9.6
Leisure and hospitality 16.2 7.6
Other services 16.1 9.3
Public administration 21.1 10.2
No previous work experience 18.9 9.5
(1) Includes wage and salary workers only.
(2) Data not shown where base is less than 75,000.